About Me

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Greenville, SC
I am a second year teacher originally from Augusta, GA. I just got married in July and my husband and I LOVE Greenville. This blog is to provide connections between my students and their parents.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Quote and funny moment of week...

I have done a TERRIBLE job at writing down the funny things my kids say all the time. Today was one of the best I've heard so I had to write it down.

It was during my tutoring class so for the first 10 min. or so I let them talk and take a break from the school day.  Well, today the conversation was about who is dating who. My kids always love to tell me their new bf's and gf's but make me swear I won't tell anybody. Keep in mind they make me promise then yell who it is across the room in front of at least 5 people. Too funny. Anyways, today their was major drama because everybody was pretty much switching girlfriends and boyfriends. Not even joking. It sounded like the boys got in circle in front of their girlfriends and had the girls rotate to the right to pick new ones. During this fun "catch Ms. B up on dating time" one of my sweet small boys comes in what I thought to be gossiping. I said, "D, stop the drama." He replied with, "Ms. B, I ain't got no drama, I got baby mamas." If only you knew this child. He is barely taller than my belly button and is one of smallest in our grade. He cracks me up daily though, especially with his dance moves.

Also today in first period a student asked me to read his new poem. I began to read it when I realized it sounded oddly familiar. It went something like this:

(.... means enter a sentence J actually wrote about love)
Title: Milky Way
"............................did you see the lights all faded................................tell me did you sail across the sun.................................did you make it to the milky way..............looking for yourself out there............"

I turned to him and had the following conversation:
Me: "Where did you get the idea for this poem?"
J: "I just thought of it. It came to my head."
Me: "Honey, you asked the wrong teacher to read this poem."
J: (with a funny smile, knowing he was caught) haha "Why?"
Me: "Because Train is my favorite band. Ever heard of a song called 'Drops of Jupiter?' "
J: "But it came from my head."
Me: "Yes I know but just cause you have it memorized doesn't make it yours."

This followed with me playing Drops of Jupiter for the whole class and having a mini lesson on plagiarism. Still pretty funny though.

Enjoy everyone - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Xf-Lesrkuc

Ms. B

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